
on the road...

Der Himmel über Berlin

Hello Berlin

A Tuesday evening, NYC

Burned-out church, 25 Street

Angkor Wat. Ta Phrom, 2001

Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat

Red Hook

Eiffel Tower

Angel, Berlin



Ticker Tape!!!

Storch nesting, Havelland, Germany

Havelländisches Luch, Germany


Floating Village, Cat Ba, Vietnam

On the roof of the Met: Pierre Huyghe

Hello, hello, hello, hello

Bago, Burma

Wat Si Saket, VientianeLaos

Penang, Malaysia

Second Ave. and 7th Street

 Coffee shop, Union Square 
View from the new Whitney Museum of American Art... east

Whitney Museum of American Art

10 Ave.

Dead hare, Germany


Cork screw, silver print

Montreal, Canada

Beggar, NY

On the Eiffel Tower

on University Place...

Sui Park's Cable ties sculpture in the Governors Island Art Fair

Buddha image, Inle Lake, Myanmar

In the Catskills

Egg delivery, Hanoi, Vietnam

Hotel Sully, Paris (from contact sheet)

Pearl Paint, Canal Street

On 25 Street

Famous Nathan's

Reichstag, Berlin

Ngapali beach, Burma 2004

wings... NY

Coney Island with the Plastic Camera

Upstate at L&K's cabin, Catskills NY

Havana, Cuba

Blind man, Quito, Ecuador

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Tree with Birds, Kuala Lumpur

Prague, Street corner

Havana, Street corner

Pigeons, Budapest

8 Street Fashion

Havana 1997

Mexico City

Double take, Mermaid parade 

Bangkok 2012 

Posters on 13 Street, NY (late 80's)

The flea market, 25 St. NY

Erawan shrine, Bangkok

Times Square about 25 years ago

In the 80's

Deutsches Museum, Berlin

In Dessau

Fleamarket on 25 Street

Mandalay, Burma 2004

Climbing Angkor Wat 2001

42 Street in the mid 90's

42 Street in the mid 90's
Broadway and 42nd Street (ca. 1996)

Basílica de la Sagrada Família, Barcelona

Coney Island


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